
Use of defibrillator (DEF)

Each SAMK campus has one or two semi-automatic assisting defibrillators for cases of emergency.

The device generates short-term electric shocks to a (lifeless) cardiac arrest patient’s heart muscle through electrodes. The device senses automatically those heart arrhythmia states where a defibrillator shock is needed. A sudden cardiac arrest is thus the cause for defibrillation.


If the patient cannot be awakened and s/he does not breathe, DIAL THE EMERGENCY NUMBER 112. Start cardio- pulmonary resuscitation and ask others to bring you the defibrillator.

  1. Switch on the FRx-defibrillator.
  2. Take the pads out of the grey pads case.
  3. Place the pads on the patient`s clean and dry chest as directed.
  4. The patient MUST NOT BE TOUCHED during the heart rhythm analysis.
  5. Press the blinking orange shock button, if the device instructs you to do so. DO NOT TOUCH THE PATIENT.
  6. Continue the cardiopulmonary resuscita- tion immediately after you have given the shock. Follow the instructions given by the device. (Source:

Instructions for use

Operating instructions for defibrillator (A4)

Cardiac massage and defibrillation video